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Why Choose Food Freedom?


Your guide to discovering the world of food freedom.

Please note, I am NOT a professional, I speak only from personal experience. Please seek the help of a medical professional before changing your diet and eating.

Food Freedom is on the hot seat right now, everybody wants to know who, what, where, when, and why when it comes to the food freedom basics.

What is food freedom?

Food freedom is the idea that you have the control of the food you eat, not the other way around. In other words, it's food without guilt, fear, or even much thought. However, this doesn't equal eating cupcakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday and calling it freedom. Food freedom usually shows itself in the form of a balanced diet. Our body craves nutrients and in order to practice food freedom, you must be able to listen to your body's cues. Our bodies have the amazing ability to let us know exactly what they need if we are willing to listen.

How do you get started with food freedom?

There are many steps to take in order to get started with food freedom, here's a few:

1. Educate yourself: Don't take it from me, read more blogs, follow food freedom and wellness influencers, talk to a professional, read up on it, google search. At the end of the day, there are so many ways to educate yourself on so many different topics, food freedom is no exception. Some of my favorite Instagrammers to follow specifically for food freedom and real life wellness are @shutthekaleup, Jeannette Ogden always says it like it is. She is a food freedom, real life wellness, bad ass mama who posts the most delicious recipes. @hungry.blonde, sometimes hungry always blonde blogger Gracie Gordon preaches food freedom and has her own tips on how to get started on your journey to freedom. Other accounts include @thebalancedblonde @nobread and many many more. Some books I have found helpful include: The F*ck it diet, Body Love, Anti-Diet, and again, many many more.

2. Stop labeling foods as "good" or "bad": The more we think of foods this way, the more we feel guilt for eating one over the other. Food is food, and instead of labeling it good versus evil, try thinking of food as more nutritious versus less nutritious. Our body needs nutrients, so inevitably we will crave nutrient rich foods. However, we also crave those nutrient dense foods, like cheesy pizza. If we stop labeling good or bad, its easier to erase the guilt we once had.

3. Have a why: Have a good reason to start this journey and change your mindset. Write it down, post it, tell your friends and family, tell a stranger, scream it from your rooftop. Whatever you do, have a reason to remind yourself why you chose food freedom for your lowest moments. After a night out with friends remember the anxiety that came with counting calories, during super bowl snacking remember that you never would have been able to participate in this in the past, during your favorite bowl of pasta, savor it and remind yourself you missed out on years of eating your favorite foods. Whatever it may be, have a why.

Food freedom is no joke, and for many it's not an easy journey. We are so conditioned to the idea that we have to hate ourselves until we're perfect, that we forget we're all human. We will never be perfect, but stretchy dough with red sauce and mozzarella can be.



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