It feels like my house has been a revolving door of coming and going this summer. My family and I have spent these past few months visiting friends, seeing new places, or working abroad and it's been crazy to say the least. There's so many things I've picked up about packing and traveling in the last month alone, from how to pack efficiently, to packing the right snacks, to being prepared, to over and under planning. However, the
most life saving tip I have picked up, is how to stay well, in all regards.
It's a common thing, getting sick after time away from home. Whether it's all the germs you pick up on the plane and in the airport, the stress of planning and carrying out those plans, or just the change of schedule and environment. And if we don't come home sick, we come home completely out of the rhythm of our usual routine and probably stuffed with sweets from our travels. Here's some of the best things I've learned about staying well while away:
1. Don't Overdo It
Overdoing it, especially during the first few days of vacation can shock your system and is the best way to get sick or exhaust yourself for the rest of your trip. Plan a few things a day, maybe take a break after a long day before going out to dinner. A little napping never hurt anybody. Try to do something relaxing throughout the week or something that is part of your usual routine. I love bringing a good book and a face mask to share.
2. Bring Workout Gear
The best excuse to not get any movement in during your vacation is having nothing to workout in. You don't need gym shoes to do a patio or hotel room sweat or stretch sesh and it doesn't have to be long. But starting or ending or even pausing your day to get some movement in, especially on business trips or trips that include a lot of sitting still, feels amazing and can make it easier to fall back into your regular routine. A pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt will do and can be encouraging when it comes to working out when travelling.
3. Get Movement in Where You Can
If you don't want to spend any of your vacation working out, or working out just isn't your thing, then try to get movement in other places. Walk anywhere you can, this is a fun way to get some exercise and to see more of where you're staying. I love to walk to dinner and try to find a good breakfast spot for the next morning on my way. Plan activities that include some activity, try a surf lesson, a bike tour, or even go mini golfing. It can be so easy to feel good without really trying.
4. Bring Your Vitamins (and take them)
It can be easy to fall out of our routine which can be a good thing while on a relaxing few days away, but when it comes to your vitamins, it's important to remember to keep them up. Especially when you're eating things that aren't as nutrient rich as you may be used to. It's one thing if you bring them along, but remembering to take them is half the battle. Set an alarm in order to remind yourself.
5. Be Smart, But Don't Be Hard On Yourself
Remember to eat your veggies, drink your water, eat your breakfast, stretch your body, but don't be hard on yourself. Have fun, try new things, eat your favorite foods. Food is fuel and medicine, but it's also not a good reason to feel guilty, ruin your vacation, or be tough on yourself. Remember you're human and food is also an experience that we share with other people and cultures. "Your relationship to food, no matter how conflicted, is the doorway to freedom." - Geneen Roth